Monday, December 12, 2011

Analysis of Saturday's Republican Debate

Same old same old. I'm starting to get tired of all these debates. They're all the same- moderators giving most of the time to Mitt Romney and whoever the anti-Romney is at the time (in last night's case, Newt Gingrich) and trying to pit them against each other. We already know everyone's views. And yet there's another debate this week? I can't wait for the primaries to start.

There was really no clear winners or losers. If I had to choose between who won between Romney and Gingrich, I would honestly have to say Romney won. Romney was able to get the better of any exchanges between him and Gingrich, most notably after Gingrich said "Let's face it the only reason you're not a career politician was because you lost to Teddy Kennedy in 1994" to which Romney responded that he thought it was good thing he lost because it put him back in the private sector and had he fulfilled all of his dreams he'd be an NFL star by now. Romney did have moments of weakness though. When asked what the differences were between him and Gingrich, he stumbled a bit before saying he wouldn't colonize the moon (a joke Gingrich had made awhile ago.)

One thing that annoys me from analyses I've read about the debate is the criticism Romney got for making a $10,000 bet with Rick Perry that he didn't advocate for a nationalized version of Romneycare in his book. The argument is that Romney has more than the average American so therefore he doesn't connect with the average American. I may not be a Romney fan but come on. He worked at Bain Capital and was governor of Massachusetts of course he has a lot of money! Of all the problems Romney has this is the least of his problems. The mainstream media (or as I like to call them the lamestream media) is blowing this out of proportion.

The rest of the candidates looked good too. Yes even Ron Paul looked good, but that was because he wasn't talking about his wacko foreign policy or about legalizing drugs. This was probably one of the stronger debates Perry has had, as he didn't make any gaffes and seemed more confident and energetic in his answers. Bachmann and Santorum, it seemed, were being blackballed the ABC moderators Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulis as they got the least amount of questions. In the questions they got they both had clear, thoughtful answers. Bachmann especially was strong in her criticism of Romney and Gingrich, calling them "Newt Romney" and hammering their past big government positions of individual mandates and cap-and-trade, among others. (And honestly it is pathetic that the two front-runners of the Republican party have records of liberal positions)

My favorite part about the debate: I didn't have to sit through Jon Hunstman's condescending attitude and corny jokes. My least favorite part of the debate: having to watch Stephanopoulis pull a hit job on candidates like Gingrich by asking a question about "marital fidelity" and having all five candidates answer before he did. But hey I guess it's to be expected from a left-wing hack who worked for the Clinton administration.

Can the primaries just start already?

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